Friday, May 9, 2014

Mother's Day Poem Just for You

Dear Friends,

Even though Mother's Day isn't until Sunday, I wanted to go ahead and post this poem for you. You can find it along with 99 other poems in my Christian poetry book Walk Softly (You're Steppin' On My Heart!). I hope you enjoy it.

Tomorrow is the day we honor mothers;
Some will be quite happy; others sad.
Some will thank the Lord for their living mother;
Others will say "Thanks" for the one they had.

Red reminds us Mother is still living;
White, of days gone by and Mother gone.
Some God's spared to live a little longer,
And some He's loved and called to "Come on home."

Some will drive for miles to be with Mother;
Others will not see their mother dear.
Earthly mothers need to be remembered;
The same with mothers not with us this year.

Mother is a name for love and goodness,
For optimism, kind words and good deeds,
For washing clothes and rearing little children,
For cooking meals and patching skinned-up knees.

For seeing that we turn out like we ought to,
For seeing that we say our prayers at night,
For laughing at our jokes when they aren't funny,
And making everything that's wrong all right.

Believing in us when nobody else does,
For standing tall behind us ever time,
For picking us right up each time we falter,
For making sure we don't get out of line. 

We pause now and we bow to God, our Father,
And thank Him 'cause He sent them here to us.
No one ever sacrificed for us like Mother
Except the Lord above with all His love.

The Lord loved us so much he sent us mothers;
That's more than we deserve; it's surely clear.
When morning comes and her day is beginning,
We'll honor mothers rightfully this year.

It's more than just a day; it's so important;
She needs to know we've loved her from the start.
And that we'll never change, our love's forever,
And we mean it from the bottom of our hearts.  
I hope you enjoyed my poem and I hope you'll enjoy Mother's Day again this year.

Until next time,
